As #TrudeauMustGo continues to trend on Twitter, vaccine-injured and coerced Canadians have found inspiration to speak up.

Across the country, Canadians are posting “According to Trudeau, I’m an extremist” to their timelines, followed by a description of themselves.
The quote references Trudeau slandering unvaccinated Canadians as likely to be racists, sexists, extremists, and people who don’t believe in science.
And some vaccine-injured individuals have joined the trend.
“I’m a healthy 47 year old Mom & entrepreneur. My sister got heart damage from the jab, a friend died. My daughter has Autism, I couldn’t risk not being here to care for her. According to Trudeau I’m an extremist and need to be dealt with #TrudeauMustGo #TrudeauIsDestroyingCanada” tweeted one user named Robyn.
I’m a healthy 47 year old Mom & entrepreneur. My sister got heart damage from the jab, a friend died. My daughter has Autism, I couldn’t risk not being here to care for her. According to Trudeau I’m an extremist and need to be dealt with #TrudeauMustGo #TrudeauIsDestroyingCanada
— Robyn (@AutismMomArtist) September 19, 2022
“I’m a 36 year old Mom of 3, working in Health Care. I now have permanent tachycardia from my 1st forced vaccine to keep my job. My government injured me and thinks it’s unacceptable that I didn’t get the 2nd dose. My life isn’t important according to Trudeau
#TrudeauHasGotToGo” said Cheryl.
I'm a 36 year old Mom of 3, working in Health Care. I now have permanent tachycardia from my 1st forced vaccine to keep my job. My government injured me and thinks it's unacceptable that I didn't get the 2nd dose. My life isn't important according to Trudeau#TrudeauHasGotToGo
— Cheryl Evoy (@cherylevoy) September 16, 2022
“This is my father, first generation Canadian. Worked as a heavy equipment operator and truck driver his whole life. Took the first jab and was injured and can no longer work because of it. According to Trudeau he is an extremist that should not be tolerated. #TrudeauMustGo” tweeted Christina.
This is my father, first generation Canadian. Worked as a heavy equipment operator and truck driver his whole life. Took the first jab and was injured and can no longer work because of it. According to Trudeau he is an extremist that should not be tolerated.#TrudeauMustGo
— Christina🇨🇦🇺🇸🇳🇱 (@DamCam0810) September 19, 2022
Mainstream media outlets in Canada have mostly neglected the vaccine-injured. CBC whistleblower Marianne Klowak said the network had widespread bias when vaccines became available and mandates were on the horizon.
“I tried to push through a number of stories that were censored and cancelled. We were no longer committed to truth and honesty,” Klowak said on The Trish Wood podcast.
We broke 2 million.
— Martyupnorth's fact-checking twin brother® 🚜 (@Martyupnorth_2) September 21, 2022
Now, the #TrudeauMustGo viral trend brings to light many of these censored stories. There have been more than 2 million tweets or retweets of the hashtag since the trend started in mid-September.
I’m a 49 year old father of 2. I was diagnosed with Guillain-Barré syndrome after my first shot. I refused to get the 2nd. Because of this, the man I voted for in 2015 says I’m a racist and misogynist. #TrudeauMustGo #TrudeauMustGoNow
— anomic (@AtomicAnomic) September 20, 2022
I’ve been a nurse since 1997. Had all my trusted vaccines but didn’t want the rona vaccines because there are zero longitudinal studies. Was forced and got tinnitus 36 hours post Pfizer. My brother in law got myocarditis, forced as well.#TrudeauMustGo
— Pam Damonium (@P48014636) September 19, 2022
25yo 2x💉(coerced) student & young professional. I work w/ animals, have two loving lil Bengals & an unvaccinated boyfriend at home. My 💉caused white bloodcell depletion causing shingles & later surgery for dysphasia in my cervix. I’ll never stop speaking up! #TrudeauMustGo
— canadian queen (@blockchainnbaby) September 18, 2022
Mom, PhD Stats. After being crushed between 2 cars, spent yrs focused on family & health. Banished from my gym, children banned from sports incl. 2 varsity athletes also banned from campus, degrees threatened. Family, friends lost jobs, put on leave, vax injured #TrudeauMustGo
— Regina Watteel (@ReginaWatteel) September 20, 2022
Additionally, many Canadians are using the hashtag to express their resentment over being coerced to take the vaccines. While Canada has a higher vaccination rate than most countries, it’s also had some of the most severe restrictions.
“I’m a 48 yo separated father of 4. Coerced into vaccination by my government. I farm and work fulltime. I am law abiding and pay my taxes. According to Trudeau i am racist, mysogynist and I take up space. #TrudeauMustGo” tweeted Jordan.
I’m a 48 yo separated father of 4. Coerced into vaccination by my government. I farm and work fulltime. I am law abiding and pay my taxes. According to Trudeau i am racist, mysogynist and I take up space. #TrudeauMustGo
— Jordan Webster (@JordanW18571371) September 18, 2022
Before mandates were implemented, polls indicated that less than half of Canadians actually wanted to get the vaccine. But once the coercion was in place, many people were left with no choice.
For most people, refusing the experimental jabs entailed losing employment and even being ineligible to receive employment insurance (EI).
“I’m a father of 2 and have a loving partner who immigrated to Canada. I have a masters degree and am a licensed professional engineer. Like many others, I was coerced into getting vaccinated or lose my ability to provide for my family. For this and many reasons #TrudeauMustGo” said user Cannon.
I'm a father of 2 and have a loving partner who immigrated to Canada. I have a masters degree and am a licensed professional engineer. Like many others, I was coerced into getting vaccinated or lose my ability to provide for my family. For this and many reasons #TrudeauMustGo
— Cannon Janes (@CannonJanes) September 22, 2022
I’m 46 and a father of 3 and married to an amazing woman! I am 3x vaxed to be able to coach and volunteer. We will not be vaxing our youngest. @JustinTrudeau says I’m an extremist.
— Greg Kuntz (@MrBassBum) September 18, 2022
I follow the science, he follows the money! #TrudeaMustGo
I’m a married 47yr old 🇨🇦 mom of 4 kids & 1 pup. University educated. In 2021, my dad died isolated in LTC after Moderna. 6 months later, my mom died of multiple brain blood clots, post Pfizer. I feel grief & have questions. Trudeau says I’m racist & a misogynist.#TrudeauMustGo
— Jenn’s Pilates (@JennsPilates) September 16, 2022
Other Canadians who received two or more vaccines have joined in on the trend because they stand for voluntary consent free from coercion, or they’ve simply had enough of them.
“I have two degrees, and I am a lawyer. I pay taxes, run a business, and employ staff. I am double vaxd and once boosted, as is my husband. Two of my three children are double vaxd. I am done. #TrudeauMustGo” tweeted Rebecca.
I have two degrees, and I am a lawyer. I pay taxes, run a business, and employ staff. I am double vaxd and once boosted, as is my husband. Two of my three children are double vaxd. I am done. #TrudeauMustGo
— Rebecca Coyne (@CoyneLaw) September 19, 2022
“I’m a Canadian citizen, that migrated 20 years ago. I left my family to come to a better country, where there was law and freedom. I’m double vaxxed & I believe that medical decisions are personal. I say NO to discrimination and YES to Freedom. #TrudeauMustGo. Im NOT a mysogonist”
I’m a Canadian citizen, that migrated 20 years ago. I left my family to come to a better country, where there was law and freedom. I’m double vaxxed & I believe that medical decisions are personal. I say NO to discrimination and YES to Freedom. #TrudeauMustGo. Im NOT a mysogonist
— Laura Carvalho (@LaurisCarvalhis) September 20, 2022
I am 47yr old a First Nations Man. A small business owner and a father. I'm vaxxed, believe in peaceful protest and the right to choose. I hold unacceptable views. #TrudeauMustGo
— Gage Standingready (who/cares) (@GStandingready) September 21, 2022
I’m a type 1 diabetic, mother of 3 and full time worker. I didn’t want to disclose my vax status. I support freedom to chose what medication/shots go into our bodies and for that I was labeled a KKK and other untruthful things by #TrudeauResign #TrudeauMustGo #TrudeauMustGoNow
— BCFlowers (@whaleflower) September 22, 2022