A poll commissioned by the Vancouver Humane Society, an organization that hates rodeos, has found that Calgarians would still attend the Calgary Stampede if there wasn’t a rodeo (the main attraction).

According to the poll, which had a total of 400 adult respondents, 63% of Calgarians that responded would still attend the Calgary Stampede if it didn’t feature a rodeo and chuckwagon races (31% “very likely” and 32% “moderately likely”).
The poll was conducted between July 11 and 13, just days after the Vancouver Humane Society “teamed up with some concerned Calgarians” — possibly the ones that took the poll — to protest chuckwagon races at the Stampede, reports Daily Hive.
Now, bolstered by the poll results, VHS Campaign Director Emily Pickett is claiming the Stampede can do away with the rodeo and chuckwagon races, and it won’t affect visitor attendance.
“Until now, we’ve assumed that the Stampede has continued to host inhumane events out of financial motivation. These poll results prove that removing the rodeo and chuckwagons would have little impact on visitor attendance,” Pickett said.
Besides “inhumane,” Pickett has called chuckwagon races “archaic” and “deadly” because a horse had to be euthanized after last year’s races.
The Vancouver Human Society also filed cruelty complaints to the Calgary Humane Society over the races.
“These high-risk and inhumane events draw growing public criticism year after year. It’s time for Stampede officials and Calgary City Council to remove these unnecessary events from the Stampede program,” writes the VHS.
With such a grudge against the Stampede and Albertans’ provincial pastime, the poll results are unsurprising. They found what they wanted to find.