A Vietnamese Canadian woman said in a TikTok post that marriage fraud offers made to Vietnamese women in Canada are so common that some get hitched illegally multiple times — and for cash.

Tiktok user @trammieenguyen (Tram) spoke of the “universal Vietnamese experience” that Vietnamese women in Canada know about.
“I’ve gotten offers for $50k, but I told my mom $100k,” she said.
“I will never actually do it, though, because of principle.”
Tram said matchmakers in the illegal scheme take home half of the fee that the husband-to-be pays.
“Generally, each subsequent marriage that you go through, you lose value as well.”
“And then there are lawyer fees as well.”
She further said it’s more common for women to get the offers because there are more men than women from Vietnam who want to go to Canada alone.
“Generally for Canadian girls it’s a little bit higher because we’re more rare and more Vietnamese men are willing to come to Canada than Vietnamese women, at least in my experience.”
Vietnamese Canadians who were born in Canada “have a higher value,” she said.
The Vietnamese participant can also benefit from the scheme by getting their existing children or other family members Canadian citizenship.
“But still, I would never do this. Immigration – please don’t go after me. Don’t knock on my door!”
Immigration scams are so common that even the CBC reports on them. Last year, the CBC reported on three different alleged immigration scams that took place within one month of one another.
The Counter Signal reached out to Immigration Canada for comment but did not hear back before publication.