Following the recently revealed cancer diagnosis of Kate Middleton (just 42), many have speculated that there seems to be an increasing number of young, otherwise healthy people being diagnosed with cancer and dying since the vaccine rollout. And studies say they’re not wrong.

According to a study shared on ResearchGate, while overall cancer deaths were trending down for those aged 15 to 44 leading up to the pandemic, this trend spontaneously reversed in 2020 and rose significantly following the vaccine rollout.
The study in question looked at crude data from the CDC for the period of 2010 to 2022, was limited to people aged 15 to 44, and investigated trends in neoplasms (abnormal tissue masses that form when cells grow and divide more than they’re supposed to or do not die, i.e., malignant or benign cancerous tumours) for this age group.
As per the study:
We show a rise in excess mortality from neoplasms reported as underlying cause of death, which started in 2020 (1.7%) and accelerated substantially in 2021 (5.6%) and 2022 (7.9%). The increase in excess mortality in both 2021 (Z-score of 11.8) and 2022 (Z-score of 16.5) are highly statistically significant (extreme events). When looking at neoplasm death reported as one of multiple cause of death, we observe a similar trend with excess mortality of 3.3% (Z-score of 5.1) in 2020, 7.9% (Z-score of 12.1) in 2021, and 9.8% (Z-score of 15.0) in 2022, which were also highly statistically significant.
Cancer deaths in US in 2021 & 2022 in large excess over trend for 15-44 year-olds as extreme events. A novel phenomenon? C19? lockdowns? C19 vaccines? Honored to participate in this work. #CDC where are you? @DowdEdward
— David Wiseman PhD, MRPharmS (@AdhesionsOrg) March 12, 2024
The researchers continue, saying the steep rise in 2021 and 2022 represents a “novel phenomenon”.
They also explain that while there have been several studies documenting rapidly growing malignant neoplasms in humans following COVID-19 vaccine administration, definitive evidence comparing the development of cancers in both the vaccinated and unvaccinated found through population-based studies simply isn’t available. Moreover, the slow development of cancer “makes any temporal association between a possible explanatory factor (such as COVID-19, the novel COVID-19 vaccines, or other factors) difficult to establish.”
However, they note that “reports of cancers following the COVID-19 vaccinations made to CDC’s VAERS were found to be more numerous than for all previous vaccines combined since 1990.”
The argument is over.
— Ethical Skeptic ☀ (@EthicalSkeptic) March 14, 2024
The Covid mRNA Vaxx has cause a sizeable 2021 inflection, and now novel-trend elevation in terms of both cancer incidence & mortality.
Now you know who the liars were all along.
🔺Incidence = 14.8% excess
🔺UCoD Mortality = 5.3% excess (lags Incidence)
Not just cancer—myocarditis is on the rise
With that said, it isn’t just cancer that’s on the rise. Rates of myocarditis have skyrocketed for those who received the vaccine.
According to a peer-reviewed study published in Sage Journals that focused on the Pfizer-BioNTech BNT162b2, Moderna mRNA-1273, and Janssen Ad26.COV2.S vaccines, myocarditis reports of myocarditis post-vaccination in 2021 were 223 times higher than the average for all vaccines combined over the past 30 years.
The study also noted that myocarditis occurred predominantly in youths (50%) and males (69%), with 76% of cases requiring emergency care and hospitalization. Notably, 92 individuals reported in the study died from myocarditis (3%), a significant number given the overall occurrences.
Besides the vaccine, other factors that may contribute to the rise in cancer include sedentary behaviours and obesity stemming from prolonged inactivity, as well as the increased use of products like hand sanitizers, many of which have been found to contain benzene (a known carcinogen). While the FDA normally monitors and regulates the levels of this carcinogen in products, these regulations were relaxed during the lockdowns as demand exploded and many places required its use for entry.
Regardless of the reason, it’s very clear something profoundly wrong happened during the pandemic that led to the spike in cancer and subsequent deaths. And the people deserve answers.