Despite making up only 48.6 per cent of the population, those who received a booster vaccine accounted for 82 per cent of new COVID deaths between May 8 to 22 in Canada.

According to the Government of Canada, only 48.6 per cent of the population has received a booster dose of the COVID vaccine.
However, across Canada, the increase in deaths for the boosted population over the two-week period was 379, which accounted for 82.5 per cent of all new COVID deaths (459).

Conversely, among the unvaccinated (excluding the partially vaccinated and ineligible) population (11.1 per cent), only 75 individuals died from COVID between the last reported two weeks, which represented 16.3 per cent of all new COVID deaths.
Put simply, 11 per cent of the population (unvaccinated) had a mostly proportional COVID death rate of 16.3 per cent between May 8-22, while 49 per cent of the population (boosted) accounted for a disproportional 82 per cent of all COVID deaths.
As for the fully vaccinated (but not boosted) and partially vaccinated populations’ disproportionally low COVID death rate, this could perhaps attest to the waning efficacy or somewhat waning negative efficacy of the vaccine — though this is speculative. Regardless, it appears that receiving a booster dose is associated with a higher COVID mortality rate.
As an aside, it appears the fully vaccinated population’s total death tally was reduced by five deaths between May 8 to 22. It isn’t clear why this discrepancy exists.
Moreover, the ‘negative efficacy’ of the vaccine interpretation gets worse when looking at data on hospitalizations and infections.
Between those same two weeks, the boosted population accounted for 70 per cent of infections and 69 per cent of hospitalizations, significantly higher than any other group.
As Sheldon Yakiwchuk, who first noted the distressing figures in a substack article, notes, “Health Canada finally updated their numbers, and when you see this… you’ll have a better understanding as to why they didn’t bother posting numbers last week and only changing the date…”
“51% of the population that doesn’t have a booster only made up 18% of the deaths…so for those who continue [to] believe that this is Base Rate Fallacy…it actually isn’t…”
Health Canada finally updated their numbers and when you see this…you'll have a better understanding as to why they didn't bother posting numbers last week and only changing the date…
— Sheldon Yakiwchuk (@YakkStack) June 8, 2022
The Boosted Deaths took the lead Fully Vaccinated Mortality.
Holy Shit!
While this doesn’t guarantee that the vaccine has negative efficacy due to demographic factors, such as age, it at least suggests that that elderly people who are boosted appear to be more at risk than otherwise healthy, unvaccinated young people – from infections, to hospitalizations, to deaths.
Given this — as well as the piling up of adverse reaction data — Trudeau’s travel ban on the unvaccinated population is looking more vindictive, unscientific, and immoral by the week.