American citizens’ trust in institutions has dropped from 86% in 2019 to just 69% in 2023, according to a national survey conducted by the Survey Center on American Life.

In other words, after being told the COVID vaccines were safe and effective, a growing number of Americans no longer trust the experts.
“America is experiencing a crisis of expertise that has worsened since the COVID-19 pandemic,” wrote the authors of the survey.
“Most Americans still trust scientists to work in the public’s best interest, but that number has shrunk in recent years.”
The increased skepticism spans demographics, but is notable among Republicans and evangelical Christians.
A large segment of Americans reported some suspicion that China intentionally planned the COVID-19 pandemic. 26% strongly believe that China planned the pandemic, and about 25% are unsure.
The issue is a highly partisan one: 50% of Republicans believe China purposely created the Wuhan flu as part of a weapons program, compared to just 13% of Democrats.
Vaccine confidence
Only 2% of Americans have received the updated COVID vaccine that was approved in September, reported The Blaze.
In Canada, the last government update showed that just 5% of Canadians have received a COVID vaccine in the last six months.
Public confidence in Health Canada appears to have waned so much that the department has stopped displaying how many people are following their advice to get COVID vaccinated or boosted for the umpteenth time.
Recent court-ordered documents of some foreign governments’ contracts with Pfizer reveal that the Big Pharma giant admitted they had no idea what the long-term effects of the COVID vaccine would be.
Liberal MP Anthony Housefather later said that Canadians shouldn’t be allowed to see the contract they signed with Pfizer, claiming the contracts show that the vaccine lacked normal testing requirements.