Vacationing Trudeau told off by local B.C. woman

“You suck”: Video shows vacationing Justin Trudeau getting told by a local B.C. woman to get out of the province.
Conservatives move to force non-confidence vote January 30

Conservatives move to force non-confidence vote as soon as the House of Commons resumes late January.
Will Trudeau prorogue parliament to avoid it?
Trudeau responds to Trump with video depicting how awesome Canada was before he became PM

Trudeau posts video boasting of Canada in response to Trump’s continued trolling.
However, the video was made well before he took over and made everything worse.
CAF boasts about outpacing world in deploying diverse women

The Canadian Military might be suffering a recruitment crisis, and, sure, less than half of their equipment is serviceable, but they’re proud to report that they’re deploying more “diverse women” than most countries.
Here are the Liberal MPs who’ve called for Trudeau to resign

ANOTHER ONE: Nearly 20 Liberal MPs have openly called on Justin Trudeau to resign.
BREAKING: Trudeau government to collapse (Can Singh be trusted?)

NDP leader Jagmeet Singh is now saying he’ll propose a non-confidence motion against Justin Trudeau in late January. Is this the end?
Rain Tax Mayor Chow wants to give asylum seekers free housing

Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow is calling for housing supplements to get asylum claimants out of shelters, but not Canadians.
Elon Musk endorses Pierre Poilievre

Musk says Poilievre “seems great.”
Rachel Gilmore axed again

Former Global News reporter Rachel Gilmore announced she has been laid off again, this time by Check My Ads, a digital advertising watchdog.
Bovine tuberculosis detected in Saskatchewan cattle, CFIA launches investigation

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency announced an investigation after bovine TB was found in a Saskatchewan cow.