Most Canadians want treasonous politicians jailed, but don’t believe anything will happen: poll

Institutional trust appears to be at an all-time low.
While Trudeau hides from Stampede, record number show up for the Poilievre’s BBQ

Poilievre ripped Trudeau at his sold-out Calgary Stampede BBQ.
Trudeau considering reparations for Black Canadians

Canada’s “Black Justice Strategy” includes potential reparations and aims to achieve “equitable” representation among ethnic groups in jail.
Alberta signs landmark economic agreement with NWT

While Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is failing to work with the provinces to get big projects done, Alberta is actually building partnerships with other Canadian jurisdictions.
Freeland confirms some Liberal MPs want Trudeau to resign

Freeland gets asked if she thinks she should step down.
Trudeau’s new censorship regime to cost over $200 million, PBO report reveals

PBO report reveals Trudeau’s new Online Harms bureaucracy would consist of a 330-person enforcement team.
Liberal MPs considering not running again if Trudeau remains leader

“The prime minister’s leadership is damaged beyond repair at this point and the population just doesn’t have time for him anymore.”
Trudeau says he won’t step down because democracy is at stake

Trudeau says he won’t step down because Canadians need him.
Liberals plan hotel purchases to manage refugee surge

The Liberals’ latest strategy to stem the influx of asylum shoppers is buying up hotels for them to stay in for free.
Trudeau not going to Stampede after getting booed too much last year

AWKWARD: Justin Trudeau is skipping out on his annual photo op at the Stampede after local Liberal MP George Chahal calls for him to step down.