UPDATE: Italian President refuses PM resignation

UPDATE: Italian President Sergio Mattarella has refused PM Mario Draghi’s resignation, saying the the PM must return to Parliament next week to attempt to salvage his fragmented government.
Zelenskyy rages against Trudeau

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is very angry with Justin Trudeau, who he once said inspired him to take up politics.
Ontario expands 4th vaccine eligibility, warns of myocarditis

Shockingly, Ontario Chief Medical Officer Kieran Moore has announced that a fourth vaccine is now available for everyone 18+ but said not everyone should get it due to the risk of myocarditis.
WHO recommends masks again, preps world for global lockdown in Fall

The WHO is preparing the world for the next season of lockdowns, refusing to admit the emergency is over and recommending governments reimplement mask mandates.
Unvaccinated athletes choose freedom over Canada

An unvaccinated Major League Baseball (MLB) player spoke out against Trudeau’s vaccine tyranny after being prevented from playing against the Blue Jays this week due to the Liberal government’s quarantine requirement.
China goes full Canada: Chinese storm bank over frozen accounts

Security has violently dispersed Chinese protesters after they attempted to storm a bank that froze their accounts in April.
WATCH: Canadians support Dutch farmers

Canadians have taken to the streets to march in support of Dutch farmers in their fight against their government’s insane climate agenda.
Trudeau gets called a traitor at Calgary Stampede

Like previous attempts to hide from dissent, Trudeau released his itinerary at the last minute, but that didn’t stop his detractors from showing up to hurl insults at the bumbling Prime Minister at the Calgary Stampede.
Trudeau gets called “Communist pig” by angry crowd

While in Sudbury, Prime Minister Trudeau was again met by angry Canadians, this time getting called a “Communist pig” who should “go back to China.”
Trudeau’s nitrogen policy will decimate Canadian farming

Much like in the Netherlands, Justin Trudeau is bringing in a nitrogen emissions cap that will absolutely decimate Canadian farming.