February 11 Update: Josh Alexander informed The Counter Signal he was arrested and charged with trespassing “for continuing to quote scripture after being told to leave.”
Catholic teenager Josh Alexander was detained by police in Ottawa while protesting a children-friendly drag event.

Lincoln Jay of Rebel News tweeted a video of Alexander being handcuffed and placed in the back of a police car on Wednesday.
“Highschooler Josh Alexander protesting against Drag Queen Story Hour here in Ottawa was detained for unknown reasons,” Jay said.
Highschooler Josh Alexander protesting against Drag Queen Story Hour here in Ottawa was detained for unknown reasons. https://t.co/xZvGysz5rD pic.twitter.com/OSA9O3tpb7
— Lincoln Jay (@lincolnmjay) February 8, 2023
Josh Alexander, Ontario student that got suspended for defending right of female students to single-sex washrooms: "I don't call out everybody's sin, that's between them and God … My issue is when they bring it up towards the kids"
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) February 8, 2023
Footage: @_CryMiaRiver pic.twitter.com/x1p61A3U1L
‘Drag Queen story hour’ consists of men dressed in women’s clothing – often lingerie – who read stories to children.
Alexander was one of a few dozen protesters at the event.
Last month, at least temporarily, the 16-year-old Alexander was kicked out of his high school.
“I got suspended for comments made during a class discussion,” Alexander told Michael Higgins of the National Post.
Alexander is a St. Joseph’s Catholic High student in Renfrew, Ontario.
“It was about male students using female washrooms, gender dysphoria and male breastfeeding. Everyone was sharing their opinions on it, any student who wanted to was participating, including the teacher.”
According to his high school, Alexander’s comments were unacceptable.
“I said there were only two genders and you were born either a male or a female and that got me into trouble. And then I said that gender doesn’t trump biology.”
After being served an exclusion order, Alexander attended class anyway. Within minutes, he was escorted out by police and charged with trespassing.
I have just been arrested and charged at my Catholic highschool for attending class after being excluded for indicating my intent to adhere to my religious beliefs. pic.twitter.com/vTkaSoTnFp
— Josh Alexander (@officialJosh_A) February 6, 2023
Drag queens reading to minors has become desirable among far-left activists for some reason – and those who take issue find themselves labelled “hateful” by some politicians.
Last month, even conservative MP Michelle Rempel Garner called ‘drag storytime’ protesters hateful.
Numerous disgusting videos exist online of drag queen events. One video surfaced last week of a drag queen dressed and speaking provocatively in front of adults and children somewhere in the US.
BEARDED drag "queen"🙄 at show with CHILDREN PRESENT makes a toast to "THE ONES WHO LICK US WHERE WE PEE." God, please come quick.🙏🙏🙏 pic.twitter.com/SGLMvBIwV2
— ouchy wouchy (@Ouchywouchy) February 6, 2023
“I’m going to do a quick cheers I normally do – I know there’s little babies here,” a drag queen performer said in the video.
“Cheers to you, cheers to me, cheers to the ones who lick us where we pee.”