The CBC has finally admitted that getting COVID and gaining natural immunity is essential in preventing severe outcomes from COVID in the future.

“It’s clear that reinfections from this coronavirus are the norm, much like with those behind the common cold. Unfortunately, that also means early speculation about one-and-done bouts of COVID-19 offering immunity against future infections has long gone out the window,” writes the CBC in an article.
While it’s true that many have gotten reinfected with COVID, a study has found that those who received the Moderna vaccine are more likely to be reinfected, possibly indefinitely, due to the vaccine lacking crucial antibodies.
This study, and others like it, is not addressed in the CBC’s article, nor is any data made available regarding the proportion of vaccinated versus unvaccinated individuals getting repeatedly infected.
Still, the CBC continues, conceding that handling COVID reinfections gets easier due to “repeat training” after being infected (i.e., gaining natural or hybrid immunity) — not from the vaccine specifically. However, they say it somehow provides extra protection despite this protection waning.
“Reassuringly, scientists say that for most healthy adults — including those with extra protection from vaccination — COVID-19 infections should get easier to deal with as your immune system gains repeat training on how to handle this particular pathogen,” the CBC continues.
Indeed, the CBC is now admitting that getting COVID makes dealing with COVID easier — what people were called conspiracy theorists for not so long ago. But, unsurprisingly, nowhere in the CBC’s article can the term “natural immunity” be found, even though that’s what the article is about. Of course, they mention the vaccine as an added benefit, though.
According to CBC-approved expert Dr. Allison McGreer, “Your first infection with COVID is probably — not invariably but probably — going to be the worst. And then as you get more and more exposed to it, you get better and better protections.”
Wow! Who could’ve thought it?
The CBC continues, admitting that hiding yourself away from the virus will not work — something true of all coronaviruses.
“After months or even years of avoiding the virus entirely, it might come as a surprise that COVID-19 can hit you more than once,” the CBC continues. “Early in the pandemic, some scientists spouted hopes around herd immunity — that if enough people caught COVID-19 or were vaccinated against it, collective immunity against infection would reach a threshold where the virus wouldn’t be able to find new human hosts.”
“Unfortunately, that’s not easy with a coronavirus.”
Many vaccine skeptics were saying this two years ago when the lockdowns began and were promptly maligned by mainstream outlets and called ‘anti-vaxxers.’
An apology to these people is not made by the CBC, which alienated many of its employees throughout the pandemic for having concerns over how the CBC handled COVID reporting.