The CBC appears hellbent on perpetuating the mass graves hoax that inspired protests and terrorist arson across the country, even though not a single body has been found.

In an article entitled, “Fighting ‘denialists’ for the truth about unmarked graves and residential schooling,” the CBC writes, “Residential schools are not fake news. There is no big lie or deliberate hoax.”
“…. Politicians and journalists have openly engaged in residential school denialism. Denialists, to be clear, do not deny the existence of residential schools or even some of the harms of the IRS system. Rather, they seek to downplay or distort basic IRS facts and question the validity of ongoing research to shake public confidence and undermine truth and reconciliation efforts.”
CBC continues, pointing the finger at a recent National Post article that noted the obvious: people have known about the unmarked gravesites for years, nothing new was found, and the mainstream media artificially boosted the entire debacle.
“As for the most recent uproars: not a single mass grave was discovered in Canada last year. The several sites of unmarked graves that captured international headlines were either already-known cemeteries, or they remain sites of speculation even now, unverified as genuine grave sites. Not a single child among the 3,201 children on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s 2015 registry of residential school deaths was located in any of these places. In none of these places were any human remains unearthed,” the National Post writes.
Also, despite calling out outlets for “residential school denialism,” the National Post never denies the horrors of the residential school system and focuses on the existence, or at times, non-existence of the supposed mass graves.
And indeed, CBC has slowly shifted its language over time and now refers to the supposed graves as “potential unmarked graves.”
Moreover, as noted and as previously reported by TCS Editor-in-Chief Keean Bexte and Lauren Southern, to date, not a single body has been found in these supposed “mass graves.”
Despite this fact, this didn’t stop the mainstream media from perpetuating the hoax and stirring up public outrage, which led to statues being toppled and churches targeted and burnt to the ground.