The latest Nanos poll reveals the federal Conservatives currently hold a 26-point lead over the Trudeau Liberals.

According to the poll, the Conservatives are sitting at 47% support, while the Liberals are at 21%, and the NDP at 17%.
Asked who their preferred Prime Minister is, Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre received 40% of support, compared to Trudeau receiving 17%.
Calls for Prime Minister Trudeau to resign continue to mount, including about twenty of his own Liberal MPs.
Another recent survey from Abacus Data shows that two-thirds of Canadians would like Prime Minister Trudeau to resign, and just one in five want him to remain as the Liberal leader.
This poll found that the Poilievre Conservatives have a 25-point lead over the flailing Liberals, 45% to 20% respectively.
Last week, the Conservatives announced plans to force a non-confidence vote against the Liberals and Trudeau, almost immediately after the House returns in late January.
The House of Commons is currently adjourned for the holidays, and is scheduled to resume sitting on Monday, January 27, 2025.
Now, speculation that Trudeau will prorogue parliament has picked up. Prorogation would involve ending the current session of Parliament, giving Trudeau power to avoid immediate confidence votes that could lead to an election.