Now that Calgary police are investigating Liberal MP George Chahal after he was allegedly caught removing an opponent’s campaign flier from a constituent’s door, it’s time for swift justice to be applied.
A video of the incident posted by a local Temple community resident appears to reveal the former city councillor disgracefully stealing the campaign material before running off. Chahal has denied the allegation that he broke election laws and claims that he removed the sign because it had wrong polling information.
The Counter Signal has verified that the document Chahal left actually contained a false voting location.
According to a Calgary police spokesperson, the force’s anti-corruption team has been engaged to investigate the potential election law violation.
“The report has been directed to our Anti-Corruption Unit that handles investigations of a sensitive nature or involving a public official,” read a statement from the spokesperson.
“We are in the very early stages of the investigation and at this point we have not yet determined if the investigation will remain with CPS or be transitioned to another investigative body, such as Elections Canada.”
Liberals including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau have been allowed to break Canada’s laws with only a slap on the wrist as a consequence.
That needs to change now. That’s why we are calling for the Calgary police to apply the same standards which have been applied to other politicians found to have broken election laws.
In the same way former Conservative MP Dean Del Mastro was arrested and jailed after it was revealed that he broke election laws by overspending in the 2008 election, Chahal should feel the full force of the law.
As per elections law, Chahal could face a maximum fine of $5,000 and up to six months in jail for interfering with another candidate’s election material.
Should Chahal get another slap on the wrist it would undermine the integrity and authority of the Elections Act. During an election where foreign interference by China might have swayed Canadian votes, it’s of the utmost importance that this matter is treated seriously.
Should Chahal be charged, he would join others currently and formerly in the Liberal caucus who have faced criminal charges like former MP Marwan Tabbarra who recently pled guilty in a deranged attack against his ex-girlfriend to avoid jail time.
If you want to demand that Chahal be held to the highest standards of the justice system, please consider signing our petition.