On Tuesday, German Justice Minister Marco Bushmann decried Telegram over its permissiveness, calling its users “disgusting” for daring to spread COVID’ misinformation’ (i.e. actual COVID and mRNA data).
“What is being disseminated on Telegram is disgusting, indecent and criminal,” Bushmann said.
He added that he wants to see the popular messenger Twitter alternative banned unless it complies with the German state’s agenda by hindering free speech online.
"What is spread on Telegram is disgusting, indecent, and criminal," claims the new German Justice Minister.pic.twitter.com/4hGR9UdY8x
— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) December 14, 2021
Similarly, last month, fellow German politician and authoritarian sympathizer Boris Pistorius pleaded with Google and Apple to ban the app after government authorities alleged that activists used the app to organize a protest outside his house.
“What’s happening in Telegram groups and channels violates the compliance rules of Apple and Google who offer it in their stores,” Pistorius told the German news outlet, Der Spiegel.
“We must urgently talk to them and persuade them to stop distributing Telegram,” he added.
Telegram has chosen to remain silent and has so far retained its near-absolute free speech position, much to the chagrin of Globalists everywhere.
This isn’t the first time — nor will it be the last — the German state has attempted to bring Telegram, a Dubai-based platform, under the health of the European Union.
In June, the previous German Justice Minister threatened Telegram with fines of up to 5.5 million euros if it did not disclose its user’s data to the German state.
“The company now has the opportunity to respond,” Rabea Boennighausen, the Justice Minister’s spokeswoman, told reporters.
Again, Telegram remained silent, refusing to dox its users to harmful government actors.