Now that 83% of Canadians are not “up-to-date” vaccinated, Health Canada is pivoting its agenda towards climate activism.

On Tuesday, Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Theresa Tam released a 2022 report on public health titled Mobilizing Public Health Action on Climate Change in Canada. It says that climate change presents a risk to everyone — and not just physical risks.
1/5 Why health needs to be at the heart of #ClimateAction.
— Dr. Theresa Tam (@CPHO_Canada) October 25, 2022
Today, I released the #CPHOReport2022. It’s about climate change, and the multiple and cascading ways it impacts our health. #DYK public health can help prevent and reduce these impacts?
“Climate change is the single biggest health threat facing humanity and the livability of the planet,” the update reads.
“Negative mental health impacts, such as worry, grief, anxiety, anger, hopelessness, and fear are linked to climate change.”
The situation is framed as a crisis, but “there is still hope,” the report declares.
“Global temperatures will reach critical levels soon unless significant steps are taken around the world to drastically reduce our emissions.”
After pushing experimental leaky vaccines on children for two years, while mum on the benefits of exercise, Health Canada appears to have had a change of heart. Working up a sweat is actually good for you, they now claim, because it reduces your carbon footprint.
“By advocating for healthy environments like walkable neighbourhoods, cycling, and public transit, we can reduce chronic diseases, premature deaths and hospital admissions, promote positive mental well-being and reduce air pollution.”
Health Canada also made a land acknowledgement in the online report, for some reason, and blames colonialism as a “driver” of climate change.
The report appeals to globalist organizations such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a United Nations body.
“A lack of coordination could lead to duplicated, fragmented, or maladapted action. For that reason, the IPCC has identified inclusive governance structures and strong institutional frameworks as key enabling conditions for climate adaptation and mitigation.”
It also highlights the value of the International Association of National Public Health Institutes (IANPHI), which is an international health board Dr. Tam sits on. The CDC, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the WHO are all partners of the IANPHI.