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Nova Scotia Liberal candidate John John McCarthy denies that an alleged 12 year old photograph of him bearing a Hitler-like moustache was meant to impersonate the Nazi dictator despite comments implying otherwise.
The 2009 Facebook photo, which surfaced on social media this Wednesday morning, appears to show a shirtless McCarthy wearing the characteristic toothbrush moustache on his upper lip.
A Facebook friend of McCarthy responded “Heil McCarthy,” to the politician’s post.
The Glace Bay Liberal candidate, John John McCarthy, shared a photo of himself with a moustache styled after Adolf Hitler, as recognized by one of the comments on it that says "Heil McCarthy". This was shared by a voter concerned about anti-semitism in the party. #nspoli #nsvotes pic.twitter.com/RFyGLJ9Blk
— Nova Scotia Political News #NSPoliNews (@nspolinews) July 21, 2021
The Twitter account Nova Scotia Political News claims that the photo was shared by a voter who was concerned with anti-Semitism within the Nova Scotia Liberal Party.
Although McCarthy claims that the image was meant to be an impersonation of the late English actor Charlie Chaplin who also donned similar facial hair there is nothing to indicate in the social media post to corroborate his claim.
“This was actually from a Charlie Chaplin impersonation – and was more than 12 years ago. It’s really unfortunate that others will go to such great lengths in an attempt to discredit the people who put themselves out there to run for public office,” tweeted an account claiming to belong to McCarthy.
When an anonymous friend of McCarthy commented “Heil McCarthy,” he did not correct them.
McCarthy was acclaimed by the N.S. Liberals in April of this year for the upcoming Nova Scotia general election on August 17, 2021.
His candidate biography claims that McCarthy is “currently a teacher at Glace Bay High School and owns John John’s Knockout students where he inspires and motivates his students and clients.”
McCarthy’s nomination received the endorsement of NS Premier Iain Rankin who is going through his own political scandal related to two impaired driving arrests from 2003 and 2005.
“I am pleased that John John has put his name forward to represent the people of Glace Bay-Dominion. I look forward to working with him in our new Liberal government,” Premier Rankin said of McCarthy.