Liberal Ministers were grilled by The Counter Signal’s editor-in-Chief Keean Bexte on their carbon tax and involvement with China — but most offered nothing but attacks, or scampered away, refusing to answer any questions.

The Trudeau Liberals are in Prince Edward Island on a cabinet retreat where they’ll strategize on ways to improve their polling numbers, which are well below the opposition Conservatives.
Instead of answering Bexte’s questions, new Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc resorted to ad hominem attacks. The Liberal’s predictable choice to smear the character of those who hold them to account was on full display.
WOW! I'm so thankful the Trudeau Government gave The Counter Signal an exclusive interview with the Minister of Public Safety. He was laughing and enjoying a Cuban cigar while emergency services across the country struggle to function. Please
— Keean Bexte (@TheRealKeean) August 22, 2023
Later Monday night, Bexte caught up with Climate Change Minister, Stephen Guilbeault.
Guilbeault recently announced he’s travelling to China later this month to play buddy buddy with top politicians, where he serves as the vice chair on a communist council.
Guilbeault sits as vice chair on the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED), which consists mostly of Chinese politicians.
FULL INTERVIEW: We waited outside of a Liberal garden party all night to speak with Guilbeault. We're the first journalists in the country to speak with him since it was revealed that he is assisting the Communist regime in China. He says he's going to bed, but we need answers.
— Keean Bexte (@TheRealKeean) August 22, 2023
This silent treatment from Guilbeault comes after the former CN Tower Scaler Guilbeault lectured Canada’s Premiers on coal to the point of threatening them with criminal sanctions should they violate his radical timeline, despite the fact that Canada produces less than 2% of the CO2 emissions that China emits annually.
On Sunday night, To help Justin Trudeau avoid real questions, the PM’s security team pushed The Counter Signal’s editor in Chief, Keean Bexte, onto the street directly in front of oncoming traffic.
FULL REPORT: Trudeaus goons push me into traffic when I ask the critical question: Why is his Climate Minister serving the CCP regime?
— Keean Bexte (@TheRealKeean) August 21, 2023
The Prime Minister Justin Trudeau backtracked on Monday when asked by a reporter if he regrets saying that the housing crisis in Canada isn’t his problem.