An uptick in school absences took place on Thursday across school boards, with some parents opting to keep their children home and away from the politicized Pride movement.

A spokesperson from the Ontario Catholic District School Board confirmed that schools had “higher absence rates where parents indicated they did not wish to send their children to school due to Pride activities that may be taking place.”
School boards insist that the Pride flag and celebrations are about “inclusion,” but parents seem to view things differently.
Over 400 children were kept home by parents from one public school on May 17, which is another Pride day known as the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia.
“400 students, 1/3 of the student body, stayed home from Eagle Heights Elementary School in London, Ontario when the school raised “pride” flags to mark International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia & Transphobia.”
— Marc Emery (@MarcScottEmery) May 31, 2023
On June 1st 🇨🇦 schools raise the Cult flag for one month!
The mass absence — about one third of the entire student population — took place at Eagle Heights Elementary School in London, Ontario.
The school board gave no official explanation for the mass absence other than saying it was a “miscommunication.”
London Ontario has a large Muslim population.
Additionally, a source told The London Free Press that Arthur Ford public school had 375 absences, and Wilfrid Jury had 300 on the same day.
The “progress Pride flag” is getting pushback not just from parents who reject gender ideology, but even some gays and lesbians want nothing to do with the “LGBT community.”
A group run by gays, lesbians, and bisexuals on Twitter called LGB (@theLGBgroup) — which has over 15,000 followers — has been asking for a divorce from the “T,” which stands for “transgender.”
“We don’t even want Pride Month anymore, we just want to be separated from the TQ+ [transgender and queer] cult,” the group tweeted on Thursday.
Another group called Gays against Groomers, which has over 250,000 Twitter followers, also said that “there is NO PRIDE in the sexualization, indoctrination, and mutilation of children.”
They added, “The rainbow has been hijacked by activists who are using it as a shield to push a dangerous agenda onto your kids.”