Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre has sent a letter to Justin ‘wacko’ Trudeau demanding that he refuse the City of Toronto’s request to decriminalize hard drugs like BC.

“The City of Toronto has sought your permission to legalize hard drugs, as you did in British Columbia. I’m writing you to demand that you reverse your support for legalizing crack, cocaine, heroin, meth, and other hard drugs and to reject the City or Toronto’s request,” Poilievre’s letter reads.
“In British Columbia,” Poilievre continues, “your dangerous hard drug legalization experiment has caused chaos in hospitals, playgrounds, parks, and public transport, which the NDP Premier, David Eby, finally admitted last week.”
Indeed, drug overdoses and drug use in general has never been a bigger issue in British Columbia than it is today.
In fact, it’s gotten so bad that Eby has had to reverse course as hospitals overflow with drug users, many of whom will light up or shoot up in the hospital while awaiting treatment without any fear of repercussions, forcing nurses to be exposed to crack smoke and other drugs while trying to do their jobs.
“You decided to ignore all evidence when you granted the BC NDP’s request for the legalization of hard drugs, and in doing so, have contributed to a wave of overdose deaths,” Poilievre said. “Since you formed government, more than 42,000 Canadians have died of drug overdoses, and in British Columbia alone, there has been a nearly 400 percent increase in drug overdose deaths.
“…. Instead of continuing to pursue your failed experiments of legalization and taxpayer-funded hard drugs, you must start investing in treatment and recovery so we can bring home our loved ones drug-free. Only then will we restore hope to all Canadians,” Poilievre’s letter concludes.