The People’s Party of Canada (PPC) has doubled down on the province of Alberta, announcing they will “review and reduce” the despised equalization formula.
“When the equalization programme was started in 1957, it was to ensure that all Canadians have access to a similar level of services from their provincial government, regardless of whether they live in richer or poorer provinces. It was seen as a way to unite the country,” Maxime Bernier said.
“A People’s Party government will reduce the total amount of equalization payments to provinces, and make sure that only the provinces with the greatest needs benefit from it.” He went on to say that a committee in a PPC-controlled parliament would conduct the review and make the needed recommendations.
The changed formula would avoid the current “welfare trap and provide poorer provinces with the right incentives to adopt pro-growth economic policies,” according to Bernier.
Immediately following the federal election, Albertans will again go to the polls to vote on a referendum to completely abolish equalization. Albertans will collectively decide if they agree with removing Section 36 of the Constitution Act.
The provincial referendum comes following recommendations from Jason Kenney’s Fair Deal Panel.
“The report and recommendations of the Fair Deal Panel are not a cry for help, they’re a demand for fairness. Failure to get a fair deal for Alberta is not an option,” said Kenney in response to the report.