On Thursday, Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe announced that the provincial government would not be increasing travel restrictions on top of what the federal government has already rolled out.
“At this point in time, there’s no provincial recommendation against international travel,” Moe told reporters during a news conference. “We have in this nation, and we feel strongly that we have some of the most robust protocols available in any country or any place in the world.”
“Not only when it comes to international travel, but also interprovincial travel,” he continued.
“First, you need to be vaccinated in order to fly in this nation. Second, on return from any international travel, you’re getting a test before you board the flight; you’re now receiving a test on arrival back into Canada.”
For these reasons, Moe doesn’t believe any additional restrictions are required, saying that simply exercising common sense caution should suffice for Saskatchewan residents.
“If we were to add any suggestions or recommendations to all Saskatchewan people who are going to be travelling, either interprovincially or internationally, we would say, first and foremost, exercise caution in your travels,” Moe said.