Alberta ministers say Trudeau never consulted them on latest housing scheme

Alberta Minsters are furious about Trudeau’s latest housing scheme, saying he’s once again “bypassing provincial jurisdiction” and didn’t consult or even notify the province.
Danielle Smith demands Trudeau convene meeting on carbon tax

Following her recent testimony, Alberta Premier Danielle Smith has demanded Trudeau convene an emergency meeting to discuss alternatives to the carbon tax.
RECKLESS, IMMORAL, and INHUMANE: Danielle Smith testifies on the carbon tax

Speaking before the House Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates, Alberta Premier Danielle Smith called the carbon tax not just reckless but “immoral” and “inhumane”.
UCP leads NDP by 15 points in Alberta, latest poll shows

The latest Abacus poll shows the United Conservative Party (UCP) a commanding 15 points ahead of the NDP in Alberta.
Calgary church to feature all-ages drag show during Easter service

In a supposed show of solidarity for the LGBT community, the Calgary Unitarian Church is hosting an all-ages drag show for their Easter services this year.
Judge approves 27-year-old autistic woman’s request for government-assisted suicide

A young autistic woman receives approval for Medical Assistance in Dying despite her father’s wishes against it.
Trudeau government prohibits Banff from building new gondola to ski hill

Federally operated Parks Canada is interfering with municipal affairs in Alberta by blocking a ski hill gondola project in Banff.
Danielle Smith touts UK’s ban on puberty blockers

“We’re talking about sterility:” Smith takes a victory lap over her trans policy announcements after the UK’s health authority bans puberty blockers for minors.
Nenshi’s mask-off moment arrives with NDP candidacy announcement

Nenshi, who once branded himself with the colour purple — a mix between Conservative blue and Liberal red – is now orange.
RCMP burn $500,000 and 6 years on failed investigation into Kenney leadership

The RCMP made the announcement on Friday after an extremely long investigation into the United Conservative Party’s (UCP) 2017 leadership race, won by Jason Kenney.