ArriveCAN charges dropped for 8 Canadians
Canadians who refused to comply with the mandated ArriveCAN app during the COVID-19 pandemic had their charges and fines dropped or substantially reduced.
GC Strategies Chief brings doctors note asking MPs to be nice to him
“I’m supposed to not participate in any activity that would cause any undue stress as being diagnosed with having acute mental health flare ups,” Firth said before MPs from all parties.
Pierre Poilievre starts petition to fire Trudeau over ArriveCan app
Poilievre started a petition to fire Trudeau over the ArriveCan app which was supposed to cost $80K, but ended up costing over $50 million dollars.
ArriveCAN audit exposes severe mismanagement under Trudeau Government
Canada’s Auditor General suggests the Trudeau Government is either incompetent or corrupt.
Conservatives call for Auditor General to testify after RCMP confirms ArriveCan investigation
ArriveCan app might be dead, but the scandal is still very much alive.
Tech CEO says his company wrongly listed for receiving $1.2 million for ArriveCan app
A Canadian tech CEO says his company is wrongly listed as receiving money for the failed ArriveCan app.
Trudeau denies that ArriveCan was ‘gross overspending’
During a press conference in Hamilton on Thursday, Prime Minister Trudeau was asked point blank about reports that spending on the ArriveCan app was obscenely high.
ArriveCan app finally scrapped in Canada
The Canadian Liberal government has finally scrapped the ArriveCan app as well as mask and quarantine requirements for anyone travelling by plane or train.
ArriveCan delayed emergency response to deadly hurricane
Canada’s ArriveCan app caused delays at the border where American emergency support crews were crossing to help with Hurricane relief efforts.
Trudeau set to finally end vaccine coercion and ArriveCan app
Reports indicate Justin Trudeau will finally end vaccination restrictions and the mandatory use of ArriveCan for travellers.