Pope Francis tells young Europeans they need to eat less meat

His Holiness Pope Francis is demanding that young Europeans stop eating so much meat in a bid to save the planet from climate change.
Heatwaves are getting named like Hurricanes

A city in Spain has become the first in the world to give heatwaves names — much like we do with hurricanes — to make them sound more serious.
Roman Baber says he’ll fight climate radicals like he fought COVID mobs

During the final Conservative leadership debate, candidate Roman Baber said he would fight climate radicals just like he fought mobs of COVID fanatics.
Irish farmers outraged over 25% emissions reduction plan that will lead to herd culling

Irish farmers and several organizations in the agriculture industry are outraged over the government’s plan to cut agriculture emissions by 25%, all while claiming it won’t lead to herd culling.
Trudeau flew over 26,000 km in July while lecturing Canadians about climate change

PM Justin Trudeau somehow managed to rack up over 26,000 km aboard his private jet in July, all while lecturing Canadians about climate change and preparing to cut the fertilizers that farmers rely on.
Canada’s former Agriculture Minister slams Trudeau’s nitrogen policy

Former Canadian Minister of Agriculture Gerry Ritz says that Trudeau’s nitrogen policies are naïve and “petulant.”
Trudeau moves forward with fertilizer reduction climate policy

Trudeau has decided to move forward with his cap on nitrogen emissions by reducing fertilizer use even as provincial agriculture ministers beg him to stop.
WEF suggests blotting out the Sun to fight climate change

In a recent TikTok video, the World Economic Forum (WEF) suggested using a “raft” of “space bubbles” about “the size of Brazil” to reflect the Sun’s rays away from Earth.
Climate policy protests go global

As the Netherlands farmer protest rages on, the pushback against governments enforcing ‘green’ policies has become a global phenomenon.
FREEDOM TUBS: Dutch farmers block food distribution centres

Dutch farmers have begun blocking food distribution centres across the Netherlands, with some trucks lugging hot tubs to the protests — a harkening back to the Canadian Freedom Convoy.