Man’s billboard censored by Ontario Conservatives

Ontario Conservatives challenged by JCCF after they reject a man’s billboard that questioned their COVID policies
Ontario MPP kicked from caucus for committing the sin of talking to Tommy Robinson

Ontario MPP Goldie Ghamari has been removed from the Ontario PC Party caucus for committing the sin of speaking to Tommy Robinson while he’s in Canada.
Doug Ford calls for 100% tariff on Chinese electric vehicles

In a statement, Ford claimed that China has been taking advantage of lower labour standards and “dirty energy” to flood the market with artificially lower-priced electric vehicles at a time when Canada, and specifically Ontario, is making significant strides in the EV market.
Ontario Conservatives cancel LCBO’s mandatory ID scan following public outcry

Government quickly reverses course after realizing citizens don’t want their IDs scanned to enter LCBOs.
Toronto Mayor advises Jewish schools get bulletproof glass

“Shatterproof glass? We have to have this in Ontario, in schools? Like where have we gone?”
Liberals vague on Canadian worker guarantees in latest EV investment

Liberals announce another EV investment, but remain evasive about how many jobs created will go towards foreign workers.
Doug Ford says either the carbon tax goes or Justin Trudeau does

Ontario Premier Doug Ford has stated that if the carbon tax isn’t abolished, Justin Trudeau will be swiftly removed from office come election time next year.
Ontario NDP falls in polls after bizarre TikTok cat video

The dip comes after Marit Stiles’ NDP released an actual ad on February 15th of cats talking to each other with emojis and kids music playing in the background.
Ford unveils legislation that anticipates Poilievre Government

With the federal carbon tax possibly abolished shortly before Ontario’s 2026 election, Ford gives himself an opportunity to spotlight the carbon tax issue.
Doug Ford bans Canadian work experience requirements

Workers in over 30 trade occupations, such as engineers, technicians, electricians, and plumbers, no longer have to meet Canadian work experience criteria.