Every Alberta wildfire started by humans so far this year

“We expect that almost all of the wildfires we’ve experienced so far this year are human-caused, given the point we’re at in the season and the types of weather we’re seeing,” Minister Todd Loewen stated.
Biden botches asking for “Four more years”

The President of the United States is as sharp as a crayon.
Hatred towards Trudeau government reaches all-time high

According to a new poll, anger and pessimism towards the Trudeau government have reached a new high and are by far the predominant feelings felt by Canadians regarding the federal government.
Conservatives remain projected for majority, poll shows

First polls come out since the Liberals released their 2024 budget.
Nothing’s changed.
Canada hosts talks on Global Plastics Treaty

Set to be the biggest international agreement since the 2015 Paris Agreement, a cabal of globalists has descended upon Ottawa to draft an international legally binding Plastics Treaty to force countries to track all plastics at all times.
Germany passes bill allowing parents to alter their infant’s gender at birth

With the SBGG passing on April 12th, Germany will now recognize ‘gender identity’ as a secured trait, authorizing parents to change the sex of their children’s documents at birth.
Jewish organization demands end to funding for Edmonton Pride Centre after racist posts

The Centre for Isreal and Jewish Affairs said the Pride Centre breached the federal anti-racism strategy, supported attacks by listed terrorist entities, and “issued written support for the sexual violence waged against Jews.”
Pharmacists propose class action lawsuit against Shoppers Drug Mart over “risk of causing patient harm”

Franchise owners claim they were placed in situations that caused an “irredeemable conflict of interest” after the company Loblaws acquired Shoppers Drug Mart in 2014.
Gas prices across Canada soar to 2022 lockdown levels

Yesterday, Canadians across the country took note of rising gas prices and were able to record them rising by up to 22 cents on average in real time as prices shot up from an average of $1.51 per litre to $1.73 in mere seconds.
What is a halal mortgage?

Budget 2024 has revealed that the Trudeau government is exploring interest-free, Shariah-compliant “halal mortgages” for Muslims looking to buy real estate, and many Canadians aren’t happy about it.