Nearly all legacy media outlets prop up Pfizer doctor’s study on the same day

Over one day, well over a dozen legacy media outlets propped up a shady, government-funded, Pfizer-doctor-led “study” that warns about the risks of “mixing” with unvaccinated people.
Trudeau bullish on new Pfizer pill

PM Justin Trudeau is giddy about Pfizer’s new drug, a COVID pill he presumably expects Canadians to take six times daily for the better part of a week whenever they catch the sniffles.
Pfizer CEO lobbies fourth COVID shot to combat Omicron variant

In a predictable turn of events, Pfizer CEO Alex Bourla now suggests that governments around the world could approve a fourth dose of experimental mRNA vaccines in response to the non-deadly Omicron variant.
Pfizer CEO claims those spreading vaccine “misinformation” are literal criminals

On November 9, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla claimed that all those who spread “misinformation” regarding vaccine efficacy or potential side effects are literal criminals responsible for the deaths of millions.