RCMP report: Terrorist attack on Canadian Jews ‘realistic possibility’

The RCMP informs CSIS that a terrorist attack against Jewish Canadians is likely only a matter of time.
Liberal Minister promises ‘internal review’ to find out how they awarded a terrorist citizenship

Conservatives call for open investigation, Liberal Minister responds by offering “internal review.”
Despite allegations of the Eldidi father’s involvement in a 2015 ISIS video that saw an individual getting dismembered, he was granted Canadian citizenship afterwards.
Eldidi father and son charged with terrorism in Toronto, working with Islamic State

Two men, a father and son, have been charged for planning to massacre Torontonians with an axe and a machete.
Ahmed Fouad Mostafa Eldidi, 62, and Mostafa Eldidi, 26, face multiple charges.
Anti-Islam German activist stabbed in broad daylight

Police say they’re still investigating the terrorist’s motive, but let’s just say this isn’t a tough nut to crack.