Fox News host Tucker Carlson has made talking about the vaccine’s adverse effects go mainstream after pointing out studies that suggest they hurt the immune system.

Using President Joe Biden (who has received four Covid vaccines and just got infected with Covid) as a segue, Carlson highlighted studies that suggest vaccines might be making people sicker.
“But is there a connection between getting multiple Covid vax shots – and getting sicker? Is it possible that the vaccine can actually hurt you, especially if you keep getting boosted? Can it weaken your immune system? Well, that looks possible. Multiple studies have looked into this,” he said.
This is exactly why so many people who've examined available evidence were speaking out against mandates and the narrative. This was all warned about mmfor the last year +, but our Gov, public health, & MSN kept feeding the mass formation propaganda.
— Daniel Bulford (@BulfordDaniel) July 22, 2022
He then quoted one scientific study from April where mRNA researchers concluded that vaccine recipients might have a harder time than they otherwise would have when fighting future infections.
Moreover, researchers point out a possible link between the vaccines and “neuro-degenerative disease, myocarditis, Bell’s palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive immunity, impaired DNA response, and tumorigenesis.”
“So it’s possible, in fact, it’s looking likely that vaccine suppresses the immune system,” Carlson said.
He also brought up another study from February that produced similar findings.
“The study showed that immune function among vaccinated individuals eight months after the administration of two doses of covid vaccination was lower than that among unvaccinated individuals,” Carlson said.
Carlson further points out data from the same study that reveals the rate of hospitalizations and death for people aged 80 is twice as high for vaccinated people than it is for unvaccinated people.
“What is that? And why is nobody interested?”
Carlson also showed empathy regarding the coercion people experienced before getting the shots — such as it being necessary to keep their jobs and homes.
The tides sure seem to be turning. These are papers with conclusions that would get one suspended from Twitter for posting about it just a few months ago, and now mainstream media outlets are openly talking about them.
Furthermore, Canadian health authorities are suddenly advising healthy people to consider the risk of adverse effects from the vaccines before getting them.