The trans-identified biological male powerlifter, Anne Andres, has been suspended by the Canadian Powerlifting Union for six months after issuing death threats to his female competitors in a series of rage-filled social media posts.

The trans-identified Canadian powerlifter, Andres, had released scathing posts on social media in February, wishing for one of his female competitors to die a painful death before suffering eternally in the pits of hell.
When asked for comment on the interaction, Andres also accused the writer of this article of murdering children over my skepticism related to the COVID vaccine.
Andres, who recently set the Canadian women’s Master Unequipped powerlifting record, said in February that his threatening post was towards “the Ontario lifter,” a presumed reference to April Hutchinson who calls Andres a man and advocates for his removal from women’s competitions.
“You fucking sicken me and you promote this kind of thing,” Andres said. “There is no hell, but times like this I wish there was so you and [Premier Danielle Smith] can spend eternity suffering,” he posted, adding, “May your generation die painfully and leave the youth to inherit a better world.”
Alberta Premier Smith recently announced a slew of new transgender-related policies, including an intent to convince sporting organizations to ban biological males from participating in women’s sports, such as Andres.
Andres had deleted his social media posts from Instagram, but a complaint filed by an anonymous CPU competitor led to an arbitrator suspending Andres for six months for his threats.
“Removal of posts or content, publicly or privately, does not excuse an individual from being subject to the Discipline and Complaints Policy,” the ruling stated, as first reported by Reduxx.
The arbitrator added, “The evidence supports a finding that Respondent violated the Code of Conduct of Ethics, the UCCMS, and the CPU Social Media Policy on multiple occasions.”
In November 2023, the CPU tightened their trans-policy for events that qualify women for the International Powerlifting Federation Sanctioned Events.
For said events, trans-identifying men who compete in women’s categories must demonstrate their testosterone levels are lower than typical levels for men.