Trudeau gives romantic speech to the WEF

One significant consequence of the Freedom Convoy has been Canadians waking up to PM Justin Trudeau’s World Economic Forum (WEF) connection and where his priorities lie.

“Thank you, Professor Schwab, for your warm welcome, and for bringing this impressive group together,” Trudeau said during a speech to the Forum in 2016, only two months after becoming Canada’s Prime Minister. 

“… Today, we are gathered here to contemplate whether we are in the stages of the Fourth Industrial Revolution about to begin. What a breathtaking possibility that is.”


Trudeau continues, saying that technological advancement could bring about significant improvements but also be the source of inequality and that “positive, ambitious leadership” is needed to guide the Revolution.

“It’s not hard to see how the connections between computing, information, robotics, and biotechnologies could deliver spectacular progress. It’s also not hard to imagine how it could produce mass unemployment and greater inequality,” Trudeau continued. “Technology itself will not determine the future we get. Our choices will. Leadership will.”

“…. The Fourth Industrial Revolution will not be successful unless it creates real opportunity for the billions who weren’t able to join us here this week. In Canada, we get this,” Trudeau said.

“We need education to enable people to learn, think, and adapt. We need infrastructure that supports change. We need policies that encourage science, innovation and research. We need societies that recognize diversity as a source of strength, not a source of weakness. And we need governments willing to invest in making all that happen while recognizing the dynamic innovation that happens in the private sector.”

As previously reported by The Counter Signal, the only thing “breathtaking” about the Fourth Industrial Revolution is its scope and its threats to the civil liberties and prosperity of the human species.

According to the WEF website, the Fourth Industrial Revolution “is characterized by a fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres.”

More specifically, it involves creating the infrastructure and technology for the Internet of Things (IoT) and Internet of Bodies (IoB). Proponents of this Revolution seek to create a system in which everyday appliances and even human bodies become manipulatable, data-generating nodes in a complex cybernetic nexus overseen by and integrated into overarching Artificial Intelligence networks through “data intermediaries” that are controlled by technocrats, central banks, increasingly centralized governments, megacorporations, international organizations such as the WEF, UN, WHO, and various NGOs.

Central to the Fourth Industrial Revolution is the creation of a global Digital ID, microchip implants, gene editing, designer babies, evermore intrusive smart devices, mRNA gene therapy for a rapidly expanding list of diseases, bionanotechnology, Artificial Intelligence and machine learning, and Elon Musk’s Neuralink. The latter is described as “ultra-high bandwidth brain-machine interfaces to connect humans and computers,” while other implanted microchips will be used to interact with the Internet of Things.

Far from being a positive vision for the future, it’s a transhumanist’s wet dream that would see humans assigned a QR-code and treated like livestock.

Of course, WEF founder Klaus Schwab couldn’t be prouder of his Young Global Leader Justin Trudeau, who Schwab says has allowed him to “penetrate” the Canadian government.

“But what we are very proud of now is the young generation like Prime Minister Trudeau… We penetrate the cabinet. So yesterday, I was at a reception for Prime Minister Trudeau, and I know that half of his cabinet, or even more than half of his cabinet, are actually Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum,” Schwab said in 2017.

In fact, Schwab lists Trudeau as an agenda contributor on the WEF website… He contributes to the agenda of a globalist organization while running a supposedly sovereign nation.

As the Financial Post reports, “Schwab and the WEF had help in setting up their Canadian infiltration mission, including from Trudeau’s former chief of staff, Gerald Butts, a participant in the WEF’s Davos conferences and a leading backroom organizer of the Trudeau government’s ideological gambits. When it comes to subversive plans to overthrow the free-world economy, few are larger in scope than the WEF’s global scheme to remake the world and install a new form of “capitalism” based on the recruitment of corporate leaders into the role of government.”

“The WEF infiltration of Ottawa has never been a secret, nor has Butts’ involvement. But it is far from being common knowledge among voters that the ideological model behind the Liberal policy machine, the steering mechanism that guides decisions and policies, is subversive and authoritarian. It also covers a massive policy territory, from climate to COVID-19.”

Indeed, whether it’s contributing to the WEF agenda or abiding by the WHO’s International Health Regulations, which Trudeau used to justify the federal travel ban on the unvaccinated, Trudeau appears far more committed to his international friends than the people he governs.

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