While the Trudeau Liberals blitz Canadian cities with billion dollar investment announcements to fix the mess they’ve created after nearly nine years in power, the latest Nanos poll shows that just one in five Canadians trust them the most with their money.

Asked “Federal party most trusted to responsibly manage the finances of the Government of Canada,” the April 4 update shows that the Liberals have fallen from having 28% of Canadians’ trust in April 2021, to just 19% in April 2024.
The Conservatives have conversely gained 12% points during the same time, from 23% to 35%.

The Trudeau government is set to unveil their 2024-2025 budget on April 16, but they’ve have already started announcing parts if it, including a billion dollar investment into a national school food program due to the cost of living crisis, and the corresponding increase in hungry Canadian children.
Election polling update
According to 338Canada’s latest update, the Opposition Conservatives remain in a comfortable spot over the Liberals, sitting with a 18 percentage point lead, one they’ve roughly held since last summer.
Their March 31 update shows that the Conservatives still have a stranglehold over the Liberals, and if an election were held today, they’d have more than a 99% chance of winning a majority government.
170 seats required to do so, and the Conservatives are projected to win 210 of them, compared to the Liberals’ 63.
The far-left NDP sit five percentage points behind the Liberals.
However, a separate recent Nanos poll reveals the Poilievre Conservative’s “narrowing” lead, as some MSM outlets put it, showing the Liberals trail now by only by 12 points.
It remains to be seen what the next poll shows, and the one after that, up until the October 2025 election.
Read more: Trudeau delays election to secure pensions for doomed MPs (thecountersignal.com)