The UK government has released a report stating that pregnant and breastfeeding women should under no circumstance get the Pfizer COVID vaccine due to a lack of trial data on the vaccine’s effect on reproductive health.

According to a UK government summary of the report, there continues to be an absence of reproductive toxicity data due to the speed of development of the vaccine. As a result, they ultimately conclude that the “safe use of the vaccine in pregnant [and breastfeeding] women cannot be provided at this time.”
“The absence of reproductive toxicity data is a reflection of the speed of development to first identify and select COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 for clinical testing and its rapid development to meet the ongoing urgent health need,” the section under ‘Toxicity conclusions’ reads. “In principle, a decision on licensing a vaccine could be taken in these circumstances without data from reproductive toxicity studies animals, but there are studies ongoing and these will be provided when available.”
The ongoing study the government is referring to isn’t even being done on humans, though. It’s another rat study on combined fertility and development.
Due to the lack of data, the government says that “sufficient reassurance of safe use of the vaccine in pregnant women cannot be provided at the present time: however, use in women of childbearing potential could be supported provided healthcare professionals are advised to rule out known or suspected pregnancy prior to vaccination.” [emphasis added]
“Women who are breastfeeding should also not be vaccinated.“
According to a news release published in April 2022, over 100,000 pregnant women have been vaccinated in the UK “mainly with Pfizer and Moderna vaccines” — vaccines which the government at the time stated both had a “good safety profile.”
If the latest government report on the Pfizer vaccine is to be believed, we now know that this is a lie. They had no idea whether the vaccine was safe for use. How could they? It’s been four months, and the clinical trials still aren’t finished.