Vaccine-injured woman suing Health Canada, CBC for $10.5 million alleging “coordinated misinformation campaign”

An Albertan woman suffering from permanent Bell’s palsy due to the COVID vaccine is suing Health Canada, Alberta Health Services, and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) for $10.5 million, alleging negligence and a “coordinated misinformation campaign.” 

Vaccine-injured woman suing Health Canada, CBC for $10.5 million alleging “coordinated misinformation campaign”

The case will be heard by the Court of King’s Bench of Alberta.

“I have full-blown Bell’s palsy from my vaccine and I’m two years in,” Sakamoto, 47, said in a video interview.

Sakamoto, a mother of three, said she and her husband decided to get vaccinated after being convinced to do so by government officials and CBC reporters, who repeatedly stated that the COVID vaccines are safe and effective.

Her first dose was of AstraZeneca, which only gave her a sore arm. When she got her second vaccine — this time Pfizer, since AstraZeneca was pulled off the market — she instantly got sick.

“I really didn’t think much of it, just that I felt really crappy.”

Within several days of her Pfizer shot, Sakamoto’s brain swelled, making her extremely sick. 

Bell’s palsy took hold of her face, and she became plagued by numerous other health issues.

Sakamoto ended up hospitalized for seventeen days.

“I had to learn how to chew my food, speak and swallow, and walk. And I had to learn how to care for my eye, that was now paralyzed, and the vertigo that I constantly deal with, so here I sit two years in, and I’m still really sick, still dealing with all of these issues.” 

As soon as she could, Sakamoto applied to the Vaccine Injury Support Program — and received compensation. But Sakamoto’s lawyer, Eva Chipiuk, said the amount was “very small.” 

Furthermore, Chipiuk alleged that Health Canada knew the vaccines were not safe and effective.

“Health Canada, in approving their vaccines, removed the requirement that the COVID-19 vaccines were safe or effective like all other therapeutic drugs that are approved in Canada,” she said.

Health Canada instead relied on data provided by external public health authorities and drug manufacturers that suggested the COVID vaccine benefits outweigh the risks.

Chipiuk added, “How do you know that there’s greater benefit than risk or harm when you don’t know it’s safe or effective — and you’re not measuring those things?”

The lawsuit also alleges that state broadcaster the CBC “abdicated its responsibility to hold the governmental agencies and employees to account by being a mouthpiece of the Minister of Health and the various provincial health authorities in Canada.”

Moreover, Sakamoto claims she contacted the CBC to let them know about her vaccine injury so they could give Canadian viewers more balance on the issue, but was “advised that they could not report on information that negatively reported on the COVID vaccines.” 

Vaccine trust in Canada has declined by 8% since the government’s COVID psy-op — and most countries have significant reductions in vaccine uptake.

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