Over 53,000 Canadians have suffered an adverse reaction from the Covid-19 vaccine, whereas just under 50,000 Canadians have died from the virus.

According to Health Canada, of the 53,000 adverse effects, over 10,000 of them were “serious.”
“The rate of adverse event reports was highest among the 40 to 49 year age group (81.9 reports per 100,000 doses administered), followed by those in the 30-39 year age group (70.2 reports per 100,000 doses administered),” Health Canada reports.

Serious adverse effects include:
- Autoimmune diseases like Guillain-Barre Syndrome (24).
- Cardiovascular issues such as heart attacks (139).
- Circulatory system concerns like blood clots (328).
- Central nervous system incidents like strokes (274).
- Pregnancy outcomes like spontaneous abortions (87).
Health Canada has received 397 reports of death following Covid immunization. However, it hasn’t confirmed a single death from the vaccine.
Just under 50,000 Canadians have died from the Covid virus. The majority of deaths have occurred among seniors aged 70 and older.

Before Canada stopped showing the vaccination status of the Covid deceased, deaths were occurring disproportionately among vaccinated individuals. For example, only 8% of the Covid deaths in Canada between May 22 and June 5 were among unvaccinated individuals.
Shortly after, the federal agency removed vaccine categories when updating Covid stats.
Between June 2021 to Dec. 1, 2022, Canada’s Vaccine Injury Support Program received 1,299 claims. Most of these claims are still under review.
Of the 221 claims completed, 50 individuals were awarded compensation for vaccine injuries. The combined compensation totalled $2.7 million.
Last fall, vaccine-coerced and injured Canadians joined the viral #TrudeauMustGo trend. Social media users shared their stories of coercion and injury, blaming the Trudeau Liberals for the mandates.
I'm a 36 year old Mom of 3, working in Health Care. I now have permanent tachycardia from my 1st forced vaccine to keep my job. My government injured me and thinks it's unacceptable that I didn't get the 2nd dose. My life isn't important according to Trudeau#TrudeauHasGotToGo pic.twitter.com/YyrwTZYfxH
— Cheryl Evoy (@cherylevoy) September 16, 2022
“I’m a 36 year old Mom of 3, working in Health Care. I now have permanent tachycardia from my 1st forced vaccine to keep my job. My government injured me and thinks it’s unacceptable that I didn’t get the 2nd dose. My life isn’t important according to Trudeau
#TrudeauHasGotToGo,” said one user.