Trudeau to increase military presence in Canada

Weeks after a secret RCMP report predicted civil unrest, the Liberals announce they’re beefing up CAF in Canada.
Study finds Pfizer’s Paxlovid pill does nothing to stop COVID

A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine has shown that Paxlovid has little to no efficacy in treating COVID.
#AxeTheTax: Nationwide protests against carbon tax continue

Protests against Trudeau’s carbon tax show no signs of slowing down as we reach day 8.
Trudeau rages at Smith for calling for a meeting on the carbon tax

Trudeau became visibly angry at a reporter and refused to answer whether he’d meet with Premiers to discuss the carbon tax.
Trudeau ridiculed for backwards hammer photo-op, calls workers “overalled folks”

Trudeau was mocked again, this time for fumbling a photo-op—apparently unaware of how to hold a hammer properly—before calling workers “overalled folks”.
Alberta ministers say Trudeau never consulted them on latest housing scheme

Alberta Minsters are furious about Trudeau’s latest housing scheme, saying he’s once again “bypassing provincial jurisdiction” and didn’t consult or even notify the province.
Danielle Smith demands Trudeau convene meeting on carbon tax

Following her recent testimony, Alberta Premier Danielle Smith has demanded Trudeau convene an emergency meeting to discuss alternatives to the carbon tax.
Trust for Liberals to handle money is plummeting, poll shows

Just 1 in 5 Canadians trust the Liberal Party with managing finances more than any other party.
Carbon tax protest organizers call for referendum

“It’s time to let Canadians decide.”
Trudeau asked why so many people hate him

Trudeau says so many people hate him because they’re “worried about their future.”