BREAKING: Justin Trudeau caught funding the World Economic Forum with tax money

Justin Trudeau and his government have given the World Economic Forum nearly $3 million in Canadian taxpayer dollars over the course of a year.
Bill C-69: Alberta Court protects Alberta’s “birthright” from Trudeau’s greasy hands

The Alberta Court of Appeal has ruled that Bill C-69, the environmental ‘Impact Assessment Act,’ also known as the ‘No more Pipelines’ Act, is unconstitutional.
BEXTE: Trudeau’s Debates Commission is losing its mind over my attendance

The Leaders’ Debates Commission (LDC) is collectively losing their minds after being forced to allow independent media like The Counter Signal, Rebel News, and True North to attend leadership debates and even out the coverage.
Jean Charest admits his association with the World Economic Forum (WEF)

Conservative leadership candidate Jean Charest has gone up to bat for the World Economic Forum (WEF), of which he is a member.
Patrick Brown thinks he’s the real winner of the CPC debate

Can you win a debate that you never attended? Brampton Mayor and Conservative Party of Canada leadership competitor Patrick Brown seems to think so.
Justin Trudeau doesn’t know how to raise a Canadian flag

PM Justin Trudeau struggled to attach the Canadian flag to the Canadian embassy during a trip to Ukraine.
Trudeau spied on Canadians throughout the pandemic

It turns out that the Trudeau government spied on Canadians throughout the pandemic and knew when an individual went to the grocery store or hospital, bought alcohol, and even when they met with family members.
Rachel Notley wants to give Albertans a vacation package when they abort their kids

Ex-Alberta Premier Rachel Notley wants to change legislation so that abortions are treated like miscarriages and employers are forced to give women a vacation package to “bereave.”
Leadership Debate: Keean Bexte grills Charest on his Huawei contracts

During an unofficial Leadership Debate hosted by the Canada Strong and Free Network, MP Pierre Poilievre obliterated former Liberal Premier Jean Charest’s career live on stage.
F-word debacle: Questions about Convoy Surveillance tick off unhinged Trudeau

Trudeau allegedly resorted to flinging an unspecified six-letter F-word at Conservative MP Kerry-Lynne Findlay when questioned about his use of the military to surveil truckers in Ottawa.