Trudeau Liberals expected to hike taxes EVEN MORE

While Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland has promised she won’t hike taxes on the middle class, experts predict additional taxes targeting the upper class will have a knock-on effect, scaring away even more business from Canada, which is already suffering from a decline in productivity and stagnant wages.
Liberal Party tries to paint Pierre Poilievre as the Canadian Alex Jones

Following the revelation that CSIS warned Trudeau of foreign interference in Canadian elections and he did nothing, Liberals have been hard at work painting Pierre Poilievre as Canada’s own Alex Jones.
B.C. considers banning protests near schools after anti-SOGI demonstrations

After 18 protests regarding SOGI were counted by the province, B.C. is now interested in banning demonstrations from taking place near schools.
Conservatives lead Liberals by 20 points in latest polling

According to an Abacus poll published on April 11, if an election were to be held today, the Conservatives would garner 44% of the vote, while the Liberals would only receive 24%.
Trudeau pleads ignorance, says he wasn’t aware of foreign interference in 2021 election

When asked about whether he was aware of a concerted effort by China to spread misinformation about Conservative MPs, Trudeau said, “During the 2021 election, no. Shortly after the 2021 election, when the Conservative Party went public with its concerns in the week that followed, I learned about it through media reports.”
JCCF hands 55,000 signatures against Online Harms Act to PMO

JCCF sends a message to the PMO from 55,000 Canadians opposed to the Liberals’ latest attempt to expand the definition of hate speech and increase penalties against those who commit it.
Trudeau accuses Poilievre of liking Alex Jones in Parliament

When pressed a second time to have a carbon tax conference live streamed for Canadians to see, the PM evaded the question, and instead brought up Alex Jones.
CSIS says they knew about Chinese foreign interference, and so did Trudeau

As per a CSIS document drafted in response to leaks of potential foreign interference in the 2021 election, CSIS officials wrote, “We know that the [People’s Republic of China] clandestinely and deceptively interfered both in the 2019 and 2021 general elections.”
Day 9: Quebec police move in to shut down carbon tax protest

Quebec’s provincial police have moved in to shut down the ongoing carbon tax protest along the Ontario/Quebec border.
Trudeau to increase military presence in Canada

Weeks after a secret RCMP report predicted civil unrest, the Liberals announce they’re beefing up CAF in Canada.