Liberal MP says his own party unfairly labeled Conservatives over Ukraine, calls it “political game”

Liberal MP goes off script, blames own party on “political games.”
Trudeau delays election to secure pensions for doomed MPs

Liberals introduce sneaky one-week delay to 2025 election so that MPs qualify for pensions before getting booted from power.
Trudeau’s Canada: Foreign media mocks Toronto’s car theft policy

Foreign media are having a field day over Toronto police’s newest unofficial policy to address car theft, i.e., just leave your fobs at the front door to make it easier for the thieves.
New polls show surge of support for BC Conservatives

New polls published by both Mainstreet Research and 338Canada show a surge of support for the BC Conservatives, leaving the BC United Party (that recently transitioned from the BC Liberal Party name) drowning in their wake.
Documents reveal Trudeau used up $40,000 in fuel for Jamaican vacation

Assuming an annual average of 20,000 km traveled, it would take about 15 years for a gas-powered sedan to burn through that much gas.
Scottish police downplay hate speech leaks

Scottish police react to outcry over new hate speech law.
Pierre Poilievre calls for immediate election

Poilievre pressures Trudeau to pause April 1 Carbon Tax hike with the threat of a non-confidence motion.
NDP has less support across Canada than Quebec separatist party

Jagmeet Singh is Canada’s puppet master, and everyone knows it.
COUNTDOWN: 18 months until Canadian election

With only 170 seats required to form a majority government, the Opposition Conservatives are in a comfortable position.
Liberals paid WEF for report justifying climate change policies

Trudeau Liberals paid the WEF to produce a report that called for a carbon tax, then months later, hiked up their pricing scheme.