Smith backs Poilievre’s rejection of WEF

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith supported federal Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre when asked whether she also rejects the World Economic Forum’s role in shaping Canadian policies and laws. Smith was asked about the WEF after multiple mainstream media outlets all published the same article from the Canadian Press wire service regarding Poilievre and the globalist organization. […]
BREAKING: Media caught in anti-Poilievre conspiracy

Canadian MSM in one picture.
Depressed 37-year-old woman asked if she wanted government-assisted suicide after clinician said health care system is ‘broken’

Are Canadian doctors abandoning their Hippocratic oath?
Conservative environment critic slams Trudeau’s “ideological agenda”

Conservative Shadow Minister slams Liberals’ climate chaos
Justin Trudeau’s itinerary has been empty for a week

Trudeau might be spending too much time on Tinder.
Feds to withhold funds from non-compliant provinces

“Alarmingly, reports indicate that Minister Wilkinson and Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada Steven Guilbeault are considering prohibiting access to these funds”
Trudeau’s net favourables at double digit negatives across Canada, all age demos

Trudeau’s numbers are awful across the board.
Trudeau’s chief of staff tries to shift negativity away from boss, gets brutally ratioed and community noted

Do you think she is just ignorant or was she lying in an attempt to direct the heat away from Trudeau?
CSIS: Communist China bribing mainstream Canadian media

The CCP has captured certain media outlets in Canada, a government report indicates.
PMO offers few hints on Trudeau’s post-divorce vacation plans

The PMO put out a statement announcing that the family would be together on a vacation next week.