IT BEGINS: ‘Equity’ groups in Canada beg CRTC to ban Fox News

On the cusp of Trudeau’s Internet Censorship era coming into force in Canada, far-left groups are already chomping at the bit to ban Fox News.
Trudeau creates YouTube channel on brink of invoking internet censorship

Trudeau has taken a page out of China’s basic dictatorship by creating a YouTube channel right as his Censorship Bill is about to kick in.
Trudeau’s mansion infested with rats and feces

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s 35-room mansion on 24 Sussex Drive is infested with rats, carcasses, and feces.
Every federal government in the past 30 years has been infiltrated by China

A former top spy told Parliament that China has had agents working in every federal government in Canada over the last three decades.
Covid vaccine uptake correlated with massive spike in disability claims, data shows

Research from Phinance Technologies shows that disability claims in the US have skyrocketed since the Covid vaccine rollout.
Most biological males in Scotland’s female prisons transitioned after conviction

12 of Scotland’s 19 transgender inmates self-identified as the opposite sex only “after their date of admission.”
Poilievre asks Biden to lift travel ban on unvaccinated Canadians

Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre told reporters on Friday that he asked President Biden to scrap the US travel ban that still exists on unvaccinated Canadians.
Biden calls Canada ‘China’ by accident

US President Biden accidentally called Canada “China” on Friday in the House of Commons, just one day after Canadian MPs voted in favour of a public inquiry to look into just how much China runs Canada.
Jill Biden thought curlers wear skates

First Lady Biden toured a curling rink in Ottawa with Trudeau’s wife Sophie where she asked Sophie why the curlers weren’t wearing skates.
Sophie Trudeau rudely corrects Jill Biden’s English

First lady Jill Biden and Trudeau’s wife Sophie toured a curling rink in Ottawa where Sophie took offense at an innocent joke from Biden.