An Angus Reid poll shows that most Canadians reject far-left gender ideology that claims there are more than two genders.

56% of Canadians polled said they believe there are just two genders, male and female, and this percentage is likely higher because among those surveyed, “those who choose an option other than male or female as their gender were oversampled in order to better share their views,” the institute said.
In other words, most Canadians reject gender ideology and believe we should only identify people as either male or female.
Among the minority that believe there are more than two genders, almost twice as many are women than men.
Most Canadians (60%) also believe mainstream media focuses too much on trans issues and stories.
Birthing people or . . . women?
The vast majority of those polled seem to believe that gender neutral terms like “birthing people” rather than “women” are ridiculous.
67% think these terms are a bad thing that “devalues the female identity in society.” Only 17% think these terms are good because the terms are “inclusive.”
What is a woman?
34% of respondents believe a woman is anyone born with female genitals only, while 35% believe that “anyone who wishes can identify as a woman.”
18% believe that a woman is someone who has female genitals, and this can include surgery for trans women.
Pronouns in bio
According to the poll, 66% of Canadians disagree or strongly disagree with using pronouns in social media profiles / emails.
22% either agree or strongly agree with using pronouns in bios.
Pronoun policy in schools
Most Canadians also side with parental rights in the school pronoun policy debate.
78% believe parents at least have a right to know when schools start using different pronouns on their children.
43% believe parents must be informed and consent to school teachers using different pronouns on their children than their biological sex, while 35% believe parents at least have the right to know about it.
Angus Reid conducted the poll online between July 26-31, 2023, among 3,016 Canadians.