Premier Scott Moe has tested positive for COVID-19 just over two weeks after receiving his booster shot of the COVID vaccine.
“I tested positive this morning for COVID-19 on a rapid antigen test. I’m feeling fine, but will be self-isolating and working from home for the next five days,” Moe wrote in a Tweet on January 13.
This diagnosis comes only sixteen days after revealing that he was one of tens of thousands in Saskatchewan to receive his booster dose.
Just got my booster shot. You should too.
The Omicron variant is a lot more contagious, but it’s also proving to be milder than previous strains, especially for those who are fully vaccinated and have received their booster shot. pic.twitter.com/TfEpAqYje7
— Scott Moe (@PremierScottMoe) December 28, 2021
In general, Moe has been one of the better premiers throughout the pandemic, only reluctantly imposing lockdowns and recently refusing to lockdown or enforce a vax tax on the unvaccinated while Ontario and Quebec respectively went ahead and did just that.
According to Moe, “We do need to learn how to live with COVID. We can’t keep our kids out of school forever. We can’t lock down our communities and our community events and our businesses forever.”
Moreover, while Quebec has added a booster shot to its vaccine passport requirements, Moe has refused to do so and still provides citizens alternative means of accessing services — though this is far from perfect.
While it is regrettable that Moe has contracted COVID (most likely the mild and mostly non-threatening Omicron variant), it brings an important, prescient detail to the fore: the vaccine is not a cure-all, saviour drug as was once posited.
They said the vaccine stopped transmission. Now they are lying and saying they didn’t.
Video proof here 👇
— Cernovich (@Cernovich) December 26, 2021
It will not end the pandemic, stop the spread, or even stop recipients from getting COVID. And if a premier can contract COVID after being triple jabbed, anyone can.