Radical climate change activists blockade BC highways
A group of radical climate change activists has re-started blocking highways in British Columbia, and they claim the blockades will only get worse.
BC man receives cash payout after vaccine injury
Ross Wightman has become one of the first Canadians to receive compensation for vaccine injuries after being diagnosed with debilitating Guillain-Barre syndrome only days after receiving the COVID vaccine.
BREAKING: Trudeau government legalized hard drugs, opioids in BC
In collaboration with Trudeau’s federal government, the BC government just legalized the use of hard drugs in the province by decriminalizing low quantity possession for those 19 and older.
BC judge denies government’s request to drop human rights case against them
A judge has denied BC Chief Public Health Officer Bonnie Henry’s application to throw out a challenge against her government’s authoritarian COVID vaccine mandates.
BC gov fast tracks internationally-trained nurses, refuses to hire back unvaccinated
After firing thousands who refused the vaccine, the BC government is spending over 12 million dollars to fast-track internationally-trained nurses.
“YOU SUCK”: Trudeau gets heckled outside Victoria City Hall
Once again, Trudeau was heckled and honked at by Freedom Convoy supporters — this time by protesters in Victoria, BC.
Trudeau hides itinerary to avoid protests — fails
Following a humiliating trip to the EU, in which he was denounced several times, Trudeau returned to massive, spur-of-the-moment protests in Liberal Party strongholds, despite publishing his itinerary extremely late to avoid them.
Ontario drops mask mandate — BC continues discrimination
On March 21, the Ontario government officially dropped the provincial mask mandate. However, some Canadians aren’t as fortunate.
GoFundMe started for family being evicted from Ronald McDonald House over vax status
The Ronald McDonald House has begun serving unvaccinated families eviction notices over their medical status, even though the charity supposedly exists to keep families together when kids get seriously ill.
Government incompetence played key role in BC flooding
As more information pours out over the recent flooding in British Columbia, it is becoming evident that government incompetence played a major role in the ensuing destruction.