Canada’s new health minister tells everyone to immediately get another COVID shot

95% of the Canadians are extremists who clearly hate their families.
WHO upset countries aren’t reporting COVID data to them anymore

WHO upset COVID is over, says climate change might require mass vaccination over migrating mosquitoes.
As unvaxxed man denied organ transplant dies, his wife is asked to donate his organs

“It makes me sick to my stomach.”
Dr. McCullough claims COVID vaccines never worked on anyone

Meanwhile, Health Canada is advising people to get their seventh shot.
Musk questions COVID vaccine safety after Lebron James’ son suffers cardiac arrest

Are healthy athletes suffering cardiac arrests more than usual?
Canada still hasn’t reported 2021 perinatal death data

You’d think a first world country would consider this data top priority.
Charges Dropped: Ontario Covid Protesters Vindicated in Fight for Freedom

Sloan and Hillier vindicated more than two years after they were charged for attending an outdoor rally.
Dr. Roger Hodkinson slams medical journals after damning COVID vaccine study pulled

Dr. Hodkinson sounds off on the Lancet after autopsy study pulled without explanation.
REPORT: Liberals wasted $90 billion on COVID

Bravo to the Trudeau Liberals for their exceptional talent in squandering $90 billion dollars on measures that achieved next to nothing, if anything at all.
Vaccine-injured woman suing Health Canada, CBC for $10.5 million alleging “coordinated misinformation campaign”

“I have full-blown Bell’s palsy from my vaccine and I’m two years in,” Sakamoto, 47, said.