Canadian taxpayers spent over 6 million to quarantine 15 people

Conservative MP Michelle Rempel Garner discovered that Canadian taxpayers spent almost 7 million dollars to quarantine just 15 people.
Covid deaths in Canada almost doubled in 2022 with a 85% vaccinated population

Data shows Canada had way more Covid deaths in 2022, with a 85% vaccinated population than in 2020, with a 0% vaccinated population.
Canada’s 2022 excess deaths on pace to shatter 2021 and 2020

Canada’s 2022 excess deaths trajectory is on pace to shatter the total from 2021 – and obliterate that from 2020.
Canada had more excess deaths in vaccine-coerced 2021 than in 2020

Canada had more excess deaths in vaccine-coerced 2021 than in 2020 when the pandemic supposedly ravaged the country coast to coast — without vaccines.
Vaccine reactions now outnumber Covid mortality in Canada

Over 53,000 Canadians have suffered an adverse effect from the Covid-19 vaccine, whereas just under 50,000 Canadians have died from the virus.
Publicly funded Covid ‘misinformation’ expert ignores debate invitation

Alberta professor and Covid-19 vaccine influencer Tim Caulfield blocked a debate moderator on Twitter after she shared an open letter from vaccine critic Byram Bridle challenging Caulfield to a debate.
Cardiologist unexpectedly warns about Covid vaccines during BBC interview

The BBC aired an interview with a cardiologist attributing increased heart-related incidents to Covid-19 vaccines.
WEF president praises China’s brutal Covid crackdown

One of the heads of the World Economic Forum (WEF) praised China’s horrific Covid-19 crackdown, which saw the mass arrest of protestors and police locking up residents in their homes for months.
WHO creates manual to deal with vaccine critics, adverse effects

The World Health Organization (WHO) has released a manual instructing governments on how to stem criticism over vaccines.
Unvaccinated woman refused organ transplant files application to Supreme Court

Sheila Lewis, who was removed from an organ donor list because she’s unvaccinated, has applied to take her case to the Supreme Court of Canada.