UPDATE: Police were in armed standoff when Notley diverted five officers to charge a journalist

Instead of those officers backing up their team, they were doing Notley’s political chores.
Press gallery condemns Rachel Notley’s treatment of journalists

The Independent Press Gallery of Canada issued a statement condemning Alberta NDP leader Rachel Notley for her banning outlets from covering organized press conferences.
The CBC incorrectly claimed our reporter was killed at Roxham Road

The CBC falsely reported that The Counter Signal’s videographer Mocha Bezirgan was killed at the notorious Roxham Road illegal border crossing.
WATCH: Jordan Peterson protesters outnumbered 1000 to 1 in Calgary

Protesters outside Dr. Jordan Peterson’s speaking tour in Calgary were outnumbered by about 1000 to 1 on Sunday night.
Keean Bexte offered thousands to push pro-Ukraine propaganda

The Counter Signal founder Keean Bexte has been offered thousands of dollars of dark money to push pro-Ukrainian propaganda across his massive Twitter following.
Dutch MSM attacks Keean Bexte’s honest coverage

Dutch state broadcasters have come out swinging on behalf of the WEF and are attacking TCS Editor-in-Chief Keean Bexte’s coverage of the Dutch Uprising.
BREAKING: Jonathan Yaniv guilty of criminal assault

Jonathan Yaniv has been found guilty of criminally assaulting former Rebel News correspondent and current TCS Editor-in-Chief Keean Bexte outside the Surrey Provincial Court on January 13, 2020.