WEF proposes using “wind-powered boats” to decarbonize the shipping industry

In yet another attempt to destroy international commerce, the World Economic Forum (WEF) is urging companies to go back to using “wind-powered boats” (i.e., ‘sailboats’) to decarbonize the shipping industry.
Communist China lauds “cooperation” with Klaus Schwab

A top Communist Party of China (CCP) official openly lauded cooperating with the World Economic Forum’s Klaus Schwab.
WEF calls for an end to private car ownership

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is calling for the end of private car ownership in the name of saving the world from climate change by reducing the need for green tech resources.
Sri Lanka’s new President is a Member of the World Economic Forum

Sri Lanka’s new President, Ranil Wickremesinghe, who is enforcing a QR code digital ID program to access gas, is a devoted Member and Agenda Contributor of the World Economic Forum (WEF).
WEF suggests blotting out the Sun to fight climate change

In a recent TikTok video, the World Economic Forum (WEF) suggested using a “raft” of “space bubbles” about “the size of Brazil” to reflect the Sun’s rays away from Earth.
Dutch MSM attacks Keean Bexte’s honest coverage

Dutch state broadcasters have come out swinging on behalf of the WEF and are attacking TCS Editor-in-Chief Keean Bexte’s coverage of the Dutch Uprising.
Dutch politician says green policies reflect commitment to WEF Great Reset

Dutch politician Thierry Baudet says the green policies being protested by farmers are part of the Netherlands’ commitment to the WEF’s Great Reset agenda.
WEF says smartphone tech will be incorporated into your body

Speaking in Davos at the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting, Nokia CEO and WEF agenda contributor Pekka Lundmark said that smartphone tech will be incorporated into human bodies by 2030.
WEF wants to brainwash students on the metaverse

The World Economic Forum (WEF) announced it was taking a key leading role in the metaverse and envisions a world where it’s used to ‘educate’ students from home to stop climate change.
Experts say you will have virtual children in the future and be happy

One of the UK’s leading experts on artificial intelligence believes that within 50 years, parents will be opting to have virtual children on the Metaverse.