A partially redacted contract between Health Canada and Pfizer has been uncovered, showing that authorities had no idea what the long term effects of the mRNA vaccine would be, but they told Canadians it was safe to take anyway.

As reported by the Canadian Independent, the October 26, 2020 dated contract shows Pfizer informing Health Canada that they had no idea if the injections would have harmful effects on people long term.
“Purchaser further acknowledges that the long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently known and that there may be adverse effects of the Vaccine that are not currently known,” a clause reads.
Perhaps more disturbing, the same clause requires Health Canada not to serialize the product.
Secret contract revealed
The heavily-redacted contract was only exposed after an Access to Information Request, and after the Liberal government conceded that they’d rather the Canadian public not have access to it.
Notably, in the partially redacted section on definitions, the contract doesn’t define what “long term” even means, be it 6 months or 6 years.
Several blacked out paragraphs exist on the 59-page contract, including parts that cover the financial details, instances when Health Canada can refuse the product, miscellaneous, recalls, and warranties provided by Pfizer.
Health Canada ultimately signed this contract before telling Canadians aged 6 months and up to take a COVID vaccine – and then a few more — and authorities said that doing so was safe and effective.
Public confidence in Health authorities has declined since COVID
Public confidence in Health Canada appears to have waned so much that the department recently stopped showing how many people are following their advice to get COVID vaccinated or boosted for the umpteenth time. The last indication was that about 5% of Canadians have received a shot in the past 6 months, despite their guidance to keep “up-to-date vaccinated.”
On the other hand, about 85% of Canadians got COVID vaccinated when for many, their job and unemployment benefits were on the line.
Health Canada continues to allow Canadians to get COVID vaccinated and continues to state that the product is “one of the safest ways” to protect against COVID. However, their website no longer encourages most healthy people to get an updated shot and instead says they are “eligible.”
Earlier this year, an Albertan woman suffering from permanent Bell’s palsy due to the COVID vaccine sued Health Canada, Alberta Health Services, and the CBC for $10.5 million, alleging negligence and a “coordinated misinformation campaign.”